2 3 live&learn&rejoice: Women, dogs, old age, obesity, people, and using the second to learn about the last

June 20, 2011

Women, dogs, old age, obesity, people, and using the second to learn about the last

From David J. Waters, "Aging Research 2011: Exploring the Pet Dog Paradigm," 52 ILAR Journal 97 (2011).

"Female survival advantage is well documented in certain mammalian species, most notably humans ... where it translates into a greater likelihood that women will live to 100 years, outnumbering men by approximately 4:1."

"... dogs were twice as likely as males to achieve exceptional longevity. However, removal of ovaries during the first 4 years of life completely erased the female survival advantage."

"...the aging beagle provides a spectrum of cognition—from intact to selective losses in specific cognitive domains to a more global dysfunction that mimics the deficits seen in early Alzheimer’s disease in humans"

"Estimates indicate that 20-40% of the pet dog population is clinically obese."